Bubble machine - DIY kit for Students
Updated: May 1, 2024

Everyone, when we were kids, we played bubbles . The simplest systems consisted of a tube full of soap where we introduced a ring that was impregnated with it. When we took it out we only had to blow, not excessively strong, and the bubbles appeared. Later , the bubble guns appeared that allowed firing a string by pulling the trigger.
However, over time it has gone a step further and it has been decided to opt for enhancing the generation of flows of the same, creating visual effects much more prominent that fit into different events such as, for example, birthday parties. And, from there, bubble machines have emerged , which allow us to use the basic principles discussed above to generate a large current of bubbles that can fill any environment with these small spheres.
Making your own bubble machine is a really easy and fun project. With basic electronics of just a fan and a motor, a bubble machine is also a really easy first electronics project.
FAN: The fan is responsible for generating a continuous air stream that allows a constant flow of bubbles. In these teams, its main characteristic is the constancy of the blow and not the brute force. Although, the more power a fan has, the farther you can project them but the rest of the equipment must be prepared because if the current is too strong it will break the bubbles before generating them.
It is the system that replaces the hoop of our childhood. It is a series of blades that get wet in the liquid to later stay in front of the air flow of the fan and allow the generation of bubbles. Most bubble machines use a grinder scheme that rotates in such a way that a part is always under the liquid and the upper rings against the air current.
\ Although soapy water can be used, to maximize the effect it is better to use the special liquid, of which we speak in an article dedicated to those related to special effects machines . Although there is one designed with oily base, which generate more resistant bubbles, they are heavier and need a greater power of the air current, so they should only be used in specially adapted equipment.
To hold the bubble solution. It needs to be waterproof and not too shallow, that's it.
BUBBLE RING: A ring of holes that will spin slowly through the trough picking up the bubble solution. As it lifts out of the trough the holes pass before a blower to form the bubbles.
A slowly moving motor to spin the bubble ring. A continuous servo is perfect for this.
BLOWER: Something with a bit of puff. Will force the bubble liquid out of the holes in the ring, forming BUBBLES! I used this centrifugal fan
A power source or two for the blower and spinner.