Updated: Apr 30, 2024

Magnetic separation machine, also named magnetic separator, is used to remove the iron powder in reusing of powder grain body. Magnetic separation machine is widely used in the resource recovery, timber industry, mining, ceramics, chemical, food and other industries. Magnetic separation is a process in which magnetically susceptible material is extracted from a mixture using a magnetic force. This separation technique can be useful in mining iron as it is attracted to a magnet. In mines where wolframite (a black or brown mineral which is the chief ore of tungsten. It consists of a tungstate of iron and manganese) was mixed with cassiterite, magnetic separation was used to separate the ores. At these mines a device calleda Wetherill's MagneticSeparator was used.
When minerals are placed in a magnetic field,there are three reactions whichmay occur. First, they are attractedto the magnetic field. Second, they are repulsed by the magneticfield. And third, no noticeable reaction to the magnetic field occurs. Particles that are attracted to the magnetic field are called magnetic. But, there are two classifications of magnetic particles, strongly magnetic particles, such as iron and magnetite, and weakly magnetic particles, such as retile, limonite, and chromites. Strong magnetic particles may be easily separated with a separator having a low intensity magnetic field of 400 - 600 gauss. Paramagnetic particles (weakly magnetic) require a higher intensity magnetic field to separate them, generally ranging from 6,000 to 20,000 gauss. Particles that are repulsed by a magnetic field are called diamagnetic. A line of separators called Eddy CurrentSeparators, takes advantageof the diamagnetic particles, separating them from other material. One of the largest uses currently is in the recycling industry, where wire and metals made from copper and aluminum are separated from plastics. When product, such as aluminum, passes over the eddy current, the spinning magnets inside the shell generate an eddy current in the aluminum thus creating a magnetic field around the piece of aluminum. The polarity of the magnetic field of the aluminum is the same as the rotating magnets, causing the aluminum to be repelled away from the separator. Productsuch as plastic, glass or other process materials simply fall off the end of the separator. An eddy current is defined as the currents caused by voltagesinduced by changingflux, and tend to opposethe change of the flux. Non magnetic particles, such as gold, quartz, and pyrite, are not amenable to magnetic separation, but some magnetic materialmay be removed from the feed. For instance, in a few situations, plants using gravityconcentration for recovering gold used magnetic separators to remove the high concentration of magnetite that was recovered with the gold, prior to further processing. Magnetic separation is generally a low cost method of recovery, unless high intensity separators are required. The electro-magnetic high intensity separators that produce 20,000 gauss tend to be expensive. However, the rare earth magnetic separators are relatively inexpensive and can produce magnetic fields around 6,000 gauss. So, when looking for a process to recover valuable minerals, magneticse parati on should not be overlooked, if some of the material is magnetic or Para-magnetic.
Funnel : To fed the Raw Ore Conveyor Belt : For rotating Drums.
Drums : Magnetis installed at the Right Side of the Drum.
Canals Or Containers : For collecting Magnetic Particles & Non Magnetic Particles.
Gear Motor : For moving the Drum
In this machine the raw ore, after calcinations was fed through the funnel on a moving belt which passed underneath two pairs of electromagnets installed under the Right Side of Drum. From flowing material iron objects are captured by the magnetic power and with the moving belt, magnets are carried away. When the iron objects leave the area of the magnetic field they automatically drop into appropriate canals or containers. Non-magnetic materials will free-fall forward following their normal trajectory and drops in to appropriate canals or containers.